Cytowania publikacji

Wybrane cytowania publikacji pracowników ODiZZB WIHiE

(nazwa czasopisma, publikacja; pierwszy autor, tytuł, a w nawiasie cytowana w tym czasopiśmie praca z Ośrodka)

  1. Acta Virologica 2010,54,3, 211, Zhu L. et al. Identification of target cells for Goose parvovirus infection in the immune system organs.
    (Roszkowski J., Gazdziński P., Kozaczyński W., Bartoszcze M., Application of the immunoperoxidase technique for the detection of Derzsy’s disease virus antigen in cell culture and goslings.Avian Pathology,1982,11,4,571)
  2. Advances in Virus Research 2012,83,143, Łobocka et al. Genomics of Staphylococcal Twort-like Phages Potential Therapeutics of the Post-antibiotic Era.
    (Kwiatek M., Parasion S., Mizak L., Gryko R., Bartoszcze M., Kocik J., Characterization of a bacteriophage isolated from a cow with mastitis, that is lytic against Staphylococcus aureus strains. Virol.2011,Nov.2)
  3. I.V.I. Settembre 2008,1,21, Ranucci D. et al., Valutazioni Preliminari Sulla Prevalenza di Toxoplasma Gondii in Suini Allevati e Macellati in Umbria Region.
    (Bartoszcze M, Krupa K, Roszkowski J. ELISA for assessing Toxoplasma gondii antigens in pigs. J Vet Med B,1991,38, 263)
  4. American J of Veterinary Research 1980,41,11,1860, Ducatelle R. et al., Demonstration of Canine-Distemper Viral Antigen in Paraffin Sections, Using an Unlabeled Antibody-Enzyme Method. 
    (Bartoszcze M, Roszkowski. J. Use of Immunoperoxidase method for the detection of Aujeszky’s disease virus in cell culture. J Vet Med 1979,26,3,253)
  5. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Ann Agr Environ.Medicine 2011,18,2 335, Sroka J et al., Preliminary assessment of usefulness of cELISA test for screening pig and cattle populations for presence of antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii.
    (Krupa K. ,Bartoszcze M., Badania nad występowaniem toksoplazmozy u świń.,Lek Wojskowy 1991,3-4,186)
  6. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine 2001, 8,1,25, Sroka J., Seroepidemiology of toxoplasmosis in the Lublin Region Seroepidemiology of toxoplasmosis in the Lublin Region.
    (Krupa K., Bartoszcze M. Reservoirs of toxoplasmosis., Prz.Epidemiol.1990,44,317)
  7. Applied and Environ.Microbiol. 2011,77,1,80, Oliwa-Stasiak K. et al.,Development of Real-Time PCR Assays for detection and Quantification of Bacillus cereus group species. 
    (Oliwa-Stasiak K., Molnar C.I., Arshak K., Bartoszcze M., Adley CC. Development of PCR assay for the detection of B.cereus group species. , J.Appl.Microbiol.2010,1,266)
  8. Arch Exper Vet Med 1988,42,2,254, Ulbrich F., Antigenicity of pseudo rabies virus, following inactivation by gamma irradiation.
    (Bartoszcze M., Roszkowski J., Effect of ionizing radiation on the course Auyeszky’s disease virus infection in mice., Bull Inst Vet Puławy,1978,22,3-4,63)
  9. Archives of Virol. 2012, 3 May, Yele A.B. et al., Novel lytic bacteriophage AB7-IBB1 of Acinetobacter baumanni: isolation, characterization and its effect on biofilm. 
    (Kwiatek M., Parasion S., Mizak L., Gryko R., Bartoszcze M., Kocik J., Characterization of bacteriophage isolated from a cow with mastitis, that is lytic against Staphylococcus aureus strains.; Arch Virol. 2011,Nov.2)
  10. Archives of Environmental Protection 2012,38,1,63, Olesiak P. et al., The activity of selected disinfectants towards endospores of bacteria of the Bacillus genus.
    (Matras J., Bartoszcze M., Bacillus anthracis. , Post.Mikrobiol.2000,1,1,3)
  11. Archivos de medicina veterinaria 1997,29,2, Sabini L.I. et al., Referential diagnostic techniques to analyze virulence markers of pseudorabies virus.
    (Roszkowski J., Bartoszcze M., The use of the indirect immunoperoxidase technique for detection of Aujeszky?s disease Virus in cell culture., Vet Record 1978,102,462)
  12. Avian Diseases 2008,52,1,173, Shun Chen et al., Morphologic Observations of New Type Gosling Viral Enteritis Virus (NGVEV) Virulent Isolate in Infected Duck Embryo Fibroblasts.
    (Roszkowski J., Gazdziński P., Kozaczyński W., Bartoszcze M., Application of the immunoperoxidase technique for the detection of Derzsy?s disease virus antigen in cell culture and goslings. Avian Pathology,1982, 11,571)
  13. Avian Pathology 1996,25,25, Kardi V., Szegletes E., Use of ELISA procedures for the detection of Derzsy?s disease virus of geese and of antibodies produced against it.
    (Roszkowski J., Gazdziński P., Kozaczyński W., Bartoszcze M., Application of immunoperoxidase technique for the detection of Derzsy?s disease virus antigen in cell culture and goslings., Avian Pathology,1982, 11,571)
  14. Bioinformation 2012,8,24,Synonymous code usage in forty staphylocoiccal phages identifying the factors controlling codon useage various and phage suitable for phages therapy.
    (Kwiatek M., Parasion S., Mizak L., Gryko R., Bartoszcze M., Kocik J., Characterization of a bacteriophage, isolated from a cow with mastitis, that is lytic against Staphylococcus aureus strains., Arch. 2012, 157, 225?234)
  15. Appl. Biochem. 2007,46,3-4,185, Ashe D. et al., Serum cytochrome C detection using a cytochrome c oxidase biosensor.
    (Bartoszcze M., Methods of biological threats detection., Przeg.Epidemiol.2003,57,369)
  16. British J Biomedical Science 2004,61,1,1, Crothers J.L.D. et al., Determination of verocytotoxin and eae gene loci by multiplex PCR in E. coli 0157:H7 isolated from human faeces in Northern Ireland.
    (Gryko R., Sobieszczańska B., Stopa P., Bartoszcze M., Comparison of multiplex PCR and an immunochromatografic method sensitivity for the detection of E.coli 0157H7 in minced beef., Acta Microbiol. Polonica, 2002,51,2,121)
  17. Can J Vet Res. 1986,50,118,Afshar A., Dulac C., Immunoperoxidase plaque staining for the detection of pseudorabies virus.
    (Roszkowski J., Bartoszcze M., Zadura J., Świątek Z., Use of the indirect immunoperoxidase method for the detection of Aujeszky’s disease virus in cell culture., Vet.Rec.1978,102,462)
  18. Central European J of Immunol. 2012,37,2,96, Platt-Samoraj et al., Effect of experimental immunization of pigs with a suspension of Yersinia enetrocolitica selected strains on changes in serum immunoglobulin G levels.
    (Siwicki A., Krzyżanowski J., Bartoszcze M. et al., Adiuvant of killed Propionibacterium avidum KP40 in vaccination of dogs against canine parvovirosis., Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 1998,105,5,186)
  19. Central European J of Immunol. 2010,35,4,191, Procajło Z. et al., In vitro assessment of the proliferative abilities of lymphocytes treated with Respisure vaccine as well as immunomodulators Lydium KLP and Methisoprinol.
    (Siwicki A., Krzyżanowski J., Bartoszcze M. et al.,Adiuvant properties of killed Propionibacterium avidum KP40 in vaccination of dogs against canine parvovirosis., Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 1998,105,5,186)
  20. Central European J of Immunol. 2010,35,1,1, Wójcik R. et al., The effect of cyclophosphamide on the selected parameters of immunity in rats.
    (Siwicki A., Krzyżanowski J., Bartoszcze M. at al., Adiuvant of killed Propionibacterium avidum KP40 in vaccination of dogs against canine parvovirosis., Deustche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 1998,105,5,186)
  21. Central European J of Immunol. 2007,32,2,84, Siwicki A. et al., The influence of Rhodiola rosea extracts on non specific cellular immunity in pigs,rats and mice.
    (Siwicki A., Krzyżanowski J., Bartoszcze M. et al., Adiuvant of killed Propionibacterium avidum KP40 in vaccination of dogs against canine parvovirosis., Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 1998,105,5,186)
  22. Central European J of Immunol. 2006,31,1-2,57, Skopińska-Różewska et al., Immunotropic effects of undecan 2-one in mice.
    (Siwicki A., Krzyżanowski J., Bartoszcze M. et al., Adiuvant of killed Propionibacterium avidum KP40 in vaccination of dogs against canine parvovirosis., Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 1998,105,5,186)
  23. Clinics in Labor Med 2006,2,491, Daly M.J., Modulating radiation resistance: Insights based on defenses against reactive oxygen species in the radioresistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans.
    (Mizak L., Mierzejewski J., Gamma radiation resistance of B.anthracis spores., Med dośw. Mikrobio,2003, 55,315)
  24. Clinical Chemistry 2004,50,11,2037, Morin N.J. et al., Reverse transcription ? multiplex PCR assay for simultaneous detection of E.coli 0157 H7, Vibrio cholerae 01 and Salmonella typhi.
    (Gryko R., Sobieszczańska B., Stopa P., Bartoszcze M., Comparison of multiplex PCR and an immunochromatografic method sensitivity for the detection of E.coli 0157:H7 in minced beef., Acta Microbiol.Polonica 2002,51,2,121)
  25. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2004, 10,6,576, Liptakova A. et al., A family outbreak of hemolytic uraemic syndrome and haemorrhagic colitis by verocytotoxigenic E. coli 0157 from unpasteurized cow?s milk in Slovakia.
    (Sobieszczańska B., Gryko R., Małek C., Isolation of verocytotoxigenic strains of E. coli O26 in Poland., Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2000, 6,4,227)
  26. Dermatologic Clinics 2003,21,2,229, Rosen T., Jablon J., Infectious threats from exotic pets: Dermatological implications.
    (Bartoszcze M., Matras J., Palec S., Roszkowski J., Klebsiella pneumoniae infection in chinchillas., Vet.Rec.1990,125,119)
  27. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 2011,17,8,722, Feghali R., Adib S.M., Two cases of Vibrio cholera non-O1/nonO139 septicaemia with favourable outcome in Lebanon.
    (Stypułkowska-Misiurewicz M., Pancer K., Roszkowiak A., Two unrelated cases of septicaemia due to Vibrio cholera non-O1, nonO139 in Poland, July and August 2006., Euro surveillance: bulletin europeen sur les maladies transmissbles 2006,11,11)
  28. Fems Microbiology Letters 2006,254,2,281, Boczek L.A. et al., The widespread occurrence of the enterohemolysin gene ehlyA among environmental strains of E.coli.
    (Sobieszczańska B., Gryko R., Kuzko K. et al., Prevalence of non-O157 E.coli strains among shiga-like toxin-producing (SLTEC) isolates in the region of Lower Silesia, Poland., Scandinavian J. Inf. Dis. 2004,36,3,219)
  29. Food Analytical Methods 2009,2,1,14, Tu S-I et al., Detection of Salmonella enteritidis from egg components using different immunomagnetic beads and time resolved fluorescence.
    (Zarzecka M., Bartoszcze M., Application of paramagnetic beads for purifying B anthracis protective antigen., J.Vet Med, 2006,53,393)
  30. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 2010,7,2,199, Gomez-Duarte et al., Detection of E.coli Enteropathogens by Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction from Children?s Diarrheal Stools in Two Caribbean-Colombian Cities.
    (Sobieszczańska B., Gryko R., Kuzko K. et al., Prevalence of non-O157 E.coli strains among shiga-like toxin-producing (SLTEC) isolates in the region of Lower Silesia, Poland., Scandinavian J. Inf. Dis. 2004,36,3,219)
  31. Food Control 2012, 18 June, Cai How et al., Microbiological quality of organic and conventional vegetabls sold in Brazil.
    (Cieslik P., Bartoszcze M, Enterohaemorrhagic E coli.A threat to public health., Med wet,2011,67,571)
  32. Food Control 2012,23,1,171, Sakata J. et al., Production and characterization of a monoclonal antibody against recombinant termolabile hemolysin and its application for screen Vibrio parahaemolyticus contamination in raw seafood.
    (Gryko R., Sobieszczańska B., Stopa P., Bartoszcze M., Comparison of multiplex PCR and an immunochromatographic method sensitivity for the detection of E.coli 0157H7 in minced beef., Acta Microbiol. Polonica 2002,51,2,121)
  33. Food Control, 2013,32,1, 176-185, M.Dzięcioł et al., A novel diagnostic real- time PCR assay to quantification and differentiation of emetic and non emetic B.cereus.
    (Oliwa-Stasiak, Molnar, Arshak, Bartoszcze, Adley, Development of a PCR assay for identification of the B.cereus group species., J.Appl.Microbiol 2010,1,266)
  34. Food Science and Biotechnology 2007,16,4,2515, Kim S. et al., Development and evaluation of an immunochroamatographic assay for screening Listeria pork and milk.
    (Gryko R., Sobieszczańska B., Stopa P,, Bartoszcze M., Comparison of multiplex PCR and an immunochromatografic method sensitivity for the detection of E.coli 0157H7 in minced beef., Acta Microbiol. Polonica 2002,51,2,121)
  35. Future Microbiology 2010,5,8,1289, Mohamadzadeh M. et al., Targeted expression of anthrax protective antigen by Lactobacillus gasseri as an anthrax vaccine.
    (Żakowska D., Bartoszcze M., Kocik J., Selected research problems of anthrax vaccine development, Przegl.Epidemiol.2009,4,505)
  36. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 2008,78,11,1241, Kawoosa S.S. et al., Molecular characterization of Shiga toxin-producing E.coli and enteropathogenic E.coli of bovine origin.
    (Sobieszczańska B., Gryko R., Dobrowolska et al., Isolation of shiga toxin-producing E.coli strais from healthy cattle of the region of Lower Silesia., Med.Dośw. Mikrobiol.2005,57,4,369)
  37. Int J of Food Microbiol.2009,132,1,47, Ottaviani D. et al., Prevalence and virulence properties of non-O1 nonO139 Vibrio cholera strains from seafood and clinical samples collected in Itally.
    (Stypułkowska-Misiurewicz M., Pancer K., Roszkowiak A., Two unrelated cases of septicaemia due to Vibrio cholera non-O1, nonO139 in Poland, July and August 2006., Euro surveillance: bulletin europeen sur les maladies transmissbles 2006,11,11)
  38. Int J for Parasitology 2000,30,12,1217, Tenter A. et al.,  From animals to humans.
    (Bartoszcze M., Krupa K., Roszkowski J., ELISA for assessing Toxoplasma gondi antibodies in pigs., J Vet Med.B,1991,38,1-10,263)
  39. Iranian J Clin. Inf. Dis. 2009,4,2,97, Seyed L.M. et al., Simultaneous detection of E.coli 0157:H7, toxigen cholera and Salmonella typhimurium by multiplex I.
    (Gryko R., Sobieszczańska B., Stopa P., Bartoszcze M., Comparison of multiplex PCR and an immunochromatografic method sensitivity for the detection of E.coli 0157H7 in minced beef., Pol J Microbiol 2006,51,121)
  40. J AOAC International 2004,87,4,856, Abdulmawjood A., Toward an International standard for PCR based detection of foodborne E coli 0157
    (Gryko R., Sobieszczańska B., Stopa P., Bartoszcze M., Comparison of multiplex PCR and an immunochromatografic method sensitivity for the detection of E.coli 0157:H7 in minced beef., Acta Microbiol. Polonica 2002,51,2,121)
  41. Essential Oil Res. 2008,20,3,282, Gibka J. et al., Study on the effect of 3-undecanone and 3-undecanol on cellular and immunity in mice.
    (Siwicki A., Krzyżanowski J., Bartoszcze M. et al., Adiuvant of killed Propionibacterium avidum KP40 in vaccination of dogs against canine parvovirosis., Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 1998,105,5,186)
  42. J Food Protection 2005,68,10,2140, Jung B. et al., Development of a rapid immunochromatographic strip for detection of E.coli 0157.
    (Gryko R., Sobieszczańska B., Stopa P., Bartoszcze M., Comparison of multiplex PCR and an immunochromatographic method sensitivity for the detection of E.coli 0157H7 in minced beef., Acta Microbiol. Polonica 2002,51,2,121)
  43. J Microbiol Methods 2001,45,3, 143, Stopa P.J., Mastromanolis S.A., The use of blue excitable nucleic acid dyes for the detection of bacteria in well water using a simple field fluorometer and a flow cytometer.
    (Bartoszcze M., Mierzejewski J., Some problems concerning biological threats,in: Rapid methods for analisis of biological materials in the environment., NATO ASI 2000,v.30,1-5)
  44. J Microbiol Methods 2003,55,3,775, Abdulmawjood A., Toward an International Standard for PCR-based Detection of Escherichia coli 0157.
    (Gryko R., Sobieszczańska B., Stopa P., Bartoszcze M., Comparison of multiplex PCR an immunochromatographic method sensitivity for the detection of E.coli 0157H7 in minced beef., Acta Microbiol. Polonica 2002,51,2,121)
  45. J Microbiol and Biotechnology 2011,21,3,274, Lee J. et al., A RAPD-PCR method for the Rapid Detection of Bacillus cereus.
    (Oliwa-Stasiak K., Molnar C.J., Arshak K., Bartoszcze M., Adley C.C., Development of a PCR assay for identification of the B.cereus group species., J.Appl.Microbiol 2010,1,266)
  46. Clin Microbiol. 1986,23,3,563, Afshar A. et al., Dot-Enzyme Immunoassay for visual detection of antibodies to pseudorabies virus in swine serum.
    (Roszkowski J., Bartoszcze M., Zadura J., Świątek Y., Use of immunoenzyme techniques for the detection of Aujeszky disease virus in cell cultures., Vet.Rec.1978,102,462)
  47. Journal of Medical Microbiol.2002,51,7,548, Paciorek J., Virulence properties of E.coli faecal strains isolated in Poland from healthy children and strains belonging to serogroups O18, O26, O44, O86, O126 and O127 isolated from children with diarrhea.
    (Sobieszczańska B., Gryko R., Małek C, Isolation of verocytotoxigenic strains of E. coli O26 in Poland., Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2000, 6,4,227)
  48. J Vaccines and Vaccination 2013, 4:1, Tiwari et al., Bovine mastitis, Prevention, Therapy, Immunological, Non-immunological
    (Kwiatek M.,Parasion S., Mizak L., Gryko R., Bartoszcze M., Kocik J., Characterization of a bacteriophage, isolated from a cow with mastitis, that is lytic against Staphylococcus aureus strains., Arch. 2012, 157, 225?234.)
  49. J Vet Internal Med 2003,17,3,273, Spickler A., Roth J., Adiuvants in veterinary vaccines: modes of action and adverse effects.
    (Siwicki A., Krzyżanowski J., Bartoszcze M. et al., Adiuvant of killed Propionibacterium avidum KP40 in vaccination of dogs against canine parvovirosis., Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 1998,105,5,186)
  50. J Vet Med Sci, 1995,57,4,777, Tekehara K.E. et al., An Outbreak of Goose Parvovirus Infection in Japan.
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  51. J Vet Med Sci,1998,60,3, Takahera et al., Distribution of attenuated goose parvovirus in muscoby ducklings,V
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  52. Investigative Genetics 2010, 1:4, Greenberg D.L., Identifying experimental surrogates for Bacillus anthracis spores: a review.
    (Brumlik M.J., Bielawska-Drózd A., Żakowska D., Liang X., Spalletta R.A., Patra G., Genetic Diversity Among Bacillus anthracis Bacillus cereus and Bacillus thuringiensis Strains Using Repetitive Element Polymorphism-PCR., Polish Journal of Microbiology 53, 4, 215-225)
  53. Journal of Proteomics 2012,75,6,1966, West R. et al., A rapid method for capture and identification of immunogenic proteins in Bordatella pertussis enriched membranes fractions:a fast track strategy applicable to other microorganisms.
    (Zarzecka A., Bartoszcze M., Application of paramagnetic beads for purifying B. anthracis protective antigen., J Vet Med 2006,53,393)
  54. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 2006,18,2,182, Chouicha N., Marks S.L., Evaluation of five enzyme immunoassays compared with the cytotoxicity assay for diagnosis of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea in dogs.
    (Martirossian G., Sokół-Leszczyńska B., Mierzejewski J., Meisel-Mikołajczyk F., Occurrence of Clostridium difficile in the digestive system of dogs., Med. Dośw. Mikrobiol. 1992, 44,1-2,49)
  55. Journal of Virological Methods 1999, 79,21, Aleksandrov M. et al., Fluorescent and electron microscopy immunoassay employing polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies for detection of goose parvovirus infection.
    (Roszkowski J., Gazdziński P., Kozaczyński W., Bartoszcze M., Application of the immunoperoxidase technique for the detection of Derzsy’s disease virus antigen in cell culture and gosling., Avian Pathol.1982, 11,571)
  56. Journal of Virology 2013,87,6,32,37-47, Vanderstteegen K. et al., Romulus nd remus two phages isolates
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  57. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 2007,43,3,461, Castinel A. et al., Neonatal mortality in New Zealand Sea Lions (Phocarctos hookeri) at Sandy Bay, Enderby Island, Auckland Islands from 1998-2005.
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  58. Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology 2010,42,3,329, Ryu H-J., Production of monoclonal antibody against E. coli 0157H7 and development of enzyme linked immunosorbent assay.
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  70. Seminars in Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine 1995, 4,2,72, Raidal S.R., Viral Skin Diseases of Birds.
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  72. Tropical Biomedicine 2009,26,3,320, Deris Z.Z. et al., Non-O1, nonO139 Vibrio cholera bacteraemia in splenectomised thalassaemic patient from Malaysia.
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